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Eat FISH - easy to make so you can live long and live healthy

Oct 26, 2020

Eczema driving me nuts, digestive upset ruining my day, and weight gain no matter what I try!  That is what I heard from Joan. It’s unfortunately a story I hear often – multiple symptoms, feeling “inflamed” and simply tired of trying to figure it out. What I wanted to focus on with Joan was eating to reduce inflammation.

Nourish your body to promote great health.

One place to start was to add some healthy fish and seafood into her week’s menu. She didn’t make fish at home because she didn’t know how to cook it “right” and didn’t like the smell in her kitchen. She’d choose fish when eating at a restaurant, but during the pandemic she wasn’t eating out anymore.

I never chose fish when I was younger because growing up in Wisconsin my family would go out for Friday Fish Fry. I never enjoyed the flavorless, greasy deep-fried whitefish and so I sort of decided “I didn’t like fish.”

But now I know how beneficial fish and seafood can be as a good source of protein and even more importantly the healthy omega-3 fats that many fish contain. And little did I know I could do so much better making it myself! I encourage my clients to incorporate these healthy fats to reduce inflammation, eliminate symptoms and promote long-term health. And learning to prepare a simple fish dinner is a great place to start.

Fish including salmon, tuna, trout, herring, sardines and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fats which are good for heart and brain health and are beneficial as an anti-inflammatory food. Inflammation may be impacting digestive health, weight management, autoimmunity, brain, heart health and more. The benefits of incorporating omega-3 fats in your diets are tremendous.

In addition, fish is simply a good source of protein that is low in saturated fat and can be a satisfying part of a nourishing meal. Fish such as halibut, tilapia, sole and perch are good sources of protein but do not provide the additional healthy fats that you may find in some of the other choices.

How to prepare

Avoid overcooking when preparing fish. I recommend a good quality meat thermometer to ensure cooking fish to a safe temperature without overcooking and causing it to dry out. Fish should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145℉.

Get rid of the smell

I love grilling fish outdoors when possible to keep the fish-smell out of my kitchen. But when that isn’t an option, I use essential oils to quickly eliminate the odor and make my house smell fresh again. Try an essential oil diffuser or simply take a spray bottle with water and some drops of essential oil to refresh your kitchen.

Environmental impact

As with many food choices, I also consider the environmental impact of my fish and seafood purchased. Because of the known benefits of these healthy foods I hope they can be around for many years to come. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is an excellent resource ( for sustainable fish and seafood options.

When Joan learned to prepare a simple fish dinner, like the recipe below, she no longer was at the mercy of her local chef. She could prepare nourishing meals that helped her to reduce inflammation and get her health back.

If you are trying to figure out how to include nourishing meals so you can feel your best, I am here to help.  Schedule a call today.



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