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End Constipation Today! Why you're suffering and how to start going

Sep 03, 2020

"Constipation is ruining my life!"

I have heard it before, chronic constipation can have a big impact on your quality of life. 

What is constipation?

My definition of constipation is having a bowel movement less than every day. Normal bowel movements (not having constipation) may be based on transit time. However, the definition of what is considered normal for your best health can get more complex than simply transit time.  It may include all of the following characteristics of healthy bowel movements: stool that is expelled with little or no strain, having the consistency of toothpaste, that enters the water smoothly, that falls slowly to the bottom with little gas or odor.

Sound like you? Are you having what might be considered normal bowel movements or would you say you are constipated? 

Why constipation occurs?

The exact cause of chronic constipation isn’t yet clearly understood and it likely has many contributing factors. Diet may be one of the factors, but there are a number of other reasons that you should consider if this is a challenge you face for your health. Here is a list of some of the causes of chronic constipation.

  1. Diet – not enough fiber, not enough water, consuming foods that you may be sensitive too or foods that are more difficult for your body to break down.
  2. Exercise – not moving enough, spending much of your day being sedentary.
  3. Stress – chronic physical or emotional stress.
  4. Travel – a change in routine.
  5. Resistance – not allowing your body to have a bowel movement when the urge arises.
  6. Medications.
  7. Supplements.
  8. More serious disease conditions – you should always talk to your Dr. when there is a change in your health.

Constipation can lead to bigger problems

Constipation is not simply a problem because you don’t feel very good.  Though constipation can cause bloating and abdominal pain, if it is a chronic problem it can have a big impact on your quality of life and it can lead to more severe problems in the future.

Long term constipation may lead to hemorrhoids, or anal fissures causing pain, itching, and possibly infection. Though a cause-effect relationship hasn't been established, some studies have suggested a correlation between chronic constipation and colorectal cancer possibly due to increased time of contact between colon tissue and carcinogens.

What can you do? 

Remember that every person is different. The first solution is always understanding why constipation is occurring in the first place. If you are consuming the Standard American Diet you may be lacking in nutrients that are beneficial to promote optimal digestion.

Constipation - Which Foods to Eat

  1. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables – aim for 5-10 servings every day (1 serving = ½ cup chopped, 1 cup leafy vegetable).
  2. Choose whole grains (i.e. oats, quinoa, whole wheat, brown rice) instead of refined grains.
  3. Incorporate fermented foods such as yogurt or kefir.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Approximately eight 8 ounces glasses each day.

Constipation - Which Foods To Avoid

  1. Avoid heavily processed foods that may be filled with additives that can disrupt your gut's microbiome. Choose foods with ingredients you can read and understand.
  2. Avoid heavy meals. Large meals may make it more difficult for your body to break down and process the food efficiently.
  3. Limit or avoid alcohol. Alcohol may be a constipation trigger for some.
  4. Avoid fried foods. Greasy foods are limited in nutrition but also can also disrupt your normal gut function.
  5. Consider avoiding gluten and dairy. For some people gluten found in wheat and other grains and dairy products can exacerbate symptoms. An elimination diet can help you find if these foods are a challenge for you.

Constipation - Lifestyle Choices To Help

  1. Move every day. Incorporate structured exercise and also move, if even for a few minutes every hour rather than sitting for hours on end.
  2. Practice stress reduction techniques including relaxation breathing, meditation, being in nature, physical activity.
  3. Allow your body to function as it should. You may need to make a conscious effort to take the time for a bowel movement when your body calls.

If you are making choices in your lifestyle that you don’t expect should lead to constipation, then you should dig deeper to find a solution to the problem. You are a unique individual and what works for you may be different from what works for someone else. Chronic constipation as with other chronic symptoms and health conditions is unlikely to go away if you ignore it.

If you are struggling with constipation or poor digestion, contact me. I can help you to figure out what choices are best for you. It will be worth it to feel great again!

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